Wedding Videography Calgary

The Art of Moment

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The Art of Moment Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours High-definition video Highlight video
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Digital download Flash drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Documentary Short form Cinematic Traditional

The Art of Moment Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of The Art of Moment?

The Art of Moment offers wedding video prices starting at $1.000-$2.000.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the The Art of Moment?

The Art of Moment offers these services with the starting package: multipal location, highlight video, high-definition video, multiple cameras.

What videographic style(s) does The Art of Moment identify with?

The Art of Moment videographic style(s): storytelling, short form, cinematic, traditional, documentary.

About The Art of Moment

The Art of Moment is a videography firm that operates out of Calgary in Alberta. It specializes in capturing spectacular moments from wedding ceremonies and other wedding-related events, converting these moments to a permanent source of remembering the special day.
It combines filming styles ranging from traditional and documentary to cinematic and storytelling to make videos and short films that will be of sentimental value to brides and grooms after their events.


The firm is made up of professional staff with many experiences they have gathered all through their practicing years. The firm is fully equipped with high-standard instruments to deliver quality services.
Rob, lead at the firm, is a coffee enthusiast, fan of long walks, nature, and hikes. He is also a professional videographer specializing in covering events from the perfect angle, making sure all the perfect details of the wedding are properly documented.

Services Offered

Using styles like a documentary, traditional, short form, cinematic, and storytelling, The Art of Moment provides the following videography services:
Additional hours
Full feature video
High-definition video
Highlight video
Multiple cameras
Multiple locations
One event per day
The final video can be stored in formats like digital downloads and USB flash drives. The most popular package consists of high-definition video, multiple cameras, full-feature video, multiple locations, highlight video, additional hours, and others.

Other Services

The art of moment also provides other services such as:
Drone services
Microphone services

The Art of Moment offers one event per day and follows you throughout the events of your special day.
With this videography firm, none of your emotional moments can be forgotten. All you have to do is to complete the form.


  • Address:

    727 6 Ave SWCalgary, AB T2P 0V1

  • Location on the Map

    The Art of Moment Sitemap

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