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Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography Features
- What videography services does the vendor offer?
- Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video Raw footage Slideshow One event per day
- Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
- Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner Save the date
- What final video formats does the vendor offer?
- Digital download Flash drive USB Hard drive USB
- What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
- Storytelling Documentary Short form Cinematic Traditional
Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography Frequently Asked Questions
- Does Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography offer any wedding packages?
Yes, Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography offers packages for weddings.
- Which services are included in the starting package price of the Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography?
Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography offers these services with the starting package: highlight video, full feature video, slideshow, multiple cameras, client revisions, multipal location, additional hours, high-definition video.
- What videographic style(s) does Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography identify with?
Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography videographic style(s): short form, cinematic, documentary, traditional, storytelling.
- Does Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography provide videography services in different cities?
Yes, Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography provides videography services in different cities.
About Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography
Kristina Haughey is an amazing videography company based in Calgary, Alberta. It specializes in recording and preserving amazing memories and outbursts of emotions during wedding ceremonies and other events alike.
Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography started many years ago. It has qualified and professional videographers that give you top-quality services.
The founder of the firm, Kristina, is a professional and well-talented videographer that helps you preserve those cherished activities and memories from your event. She has spent years making sure that her clients are fully satisfied.
Brandon is another experienced videographer of the firm. He specializes in obtaining and maintaining perfect angles of cameras to capture all emotional moments of the day.
It combines various shooting styles such as traditional, documentary, cinematic, storytelling, and short forms. It offers numerous videography services like:
Client revisions
Full feature video
High definition video
Highlight video
Multiple locations
Raw footage
Save the date
Additional hours
The final video is stored in different formats such as digital download, flash drive, and hard drive. The most popular wedding packages comprise services like client revisions, highlight videos, multiple locations, high-definition videos, and lots more.
It has about two videographers that select from a plethora of video styles ranging from traditional to documentary covering important aspects of your day, starting from pre-wedding preparations to later events like receptions and after-parties.
Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography handles one event per day and pays utmost attention to all the important aspects of the event. So let’s fill out the form to contact.
+1 4034*** Show
Calgary (Alberta) T3B 3T5
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Kristina Haughey Wedding Videography offers wedding video prices starting at $1.000-$2.000.