Wedding Videography Calgary

Fusion Photography and Videography

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Fusion Photography and Videography Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours Montage Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video Slideshow One event per day
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner Save the date
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Digital download Flash drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Cinematic

Fusion Photography and Videography Features

Which cities do you serve in Alberta?

Fusion Photography and Videography Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Fusion Photography and Videography?

Fusion Photography and Videography offers wedding video prices starting at $2.000-$3.000.

Does Fusion Photography and Videography offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Fusion Photography and Videography offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Fusion Photography and Videography?

Fusion Photography and Videography offers these services with the starting package: high-definition video, multipal location, full feature video, multiple cameras.

What videographic style(s) does Fusion Photography and Videography identify with?

Fusion Photography and Videography videographic style(s): storytelling, cinematic.

About Fusion Photography and Videography

Fusion photography is a company dedicated to videography located in Calgary, Alberta, that offers creative shoots for grooms and brides.
The company uses storytelling and cinematic styles as their primary styles of filming.


This company, whose main videographer is Stephanie Serrano, started in 2002 and, till the present time, has been shooting videos of wedding couples.
Stephanie is also a professional in commercial photography, portrait photography, digital photography, on-location photography, and architectural photography.
Her experience in the cinematography sector is broad and has aided her journey this far.

Services Offered

Fusion Photography has a lot to offer you on your wedding day. The storytelling and cinematic primary shooting style the firm identifies with captures every moment as the love story of the day unfold in full detail, complete with all the raw emotions felt and reflected.
The services they offer are:
- Additional hours
- Client revisions
- High-definition videos
- Full feature video
- Highlight video
- Multiple cameras
- Multiple locations
- One event per day
- Save the date
- Slideshow montage

The company's final video formats are digital download and flash drive USB.

Their most popular wedding packages consist of the services mentioned above, and the events which the firm covers include:
- Ceremonies
- Pre-ceremonies
- Receptions
- Rehearsal dinners

Other Services

Fusion photography also offers high-quality photography services with a unique experience for the following:
- Engagements
- Family photos
- Graduations
- Professional headshots

Fusion Photography is a company unique in its way. They bring to reality what you envisioned, giving you exactly what you desire on your special day.


  • Phone:

  • Address:

    198 Erin Cir SE, Calgary, AB T2B 3H8

  • Location on the Map

    Fusion Photography and Videography Sitemap

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