Wedding Videography Calgary

Chivalry Productions

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Meet the team

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Chivalry Productions Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video Raw footage One event per day
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner Save the date
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Blu-ray Digital download DVD Flash drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Short form Cinematic

Chivalry Productions Features

Which cities do you serve in Alberta?

Chivalry Productions Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Chivalry Productions?

Chivalry Productions offers wedding video prices starting at $1.000-$2.000.

Does Chivalry Productions offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Chivalry Productions offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Chivalry Productions?

Chivalry Productions offers these services with the starting package: high-definition video, multiple cameras, highlight video.

What videographic style(s) does Chivalry Productions identify with?

Chivalry Productions videographic style(s): storytelling, cinematic, short form.

About Chivalry Productions

Chivalry Productions is a video production firm from Calgary that specializes in producing excellent wedding videos and films. Artin Rahim and Kyle Barber are the founders of the firm. They make up the team of talented videographers at Chivalry and use cinematic, short form, and storytelling as the primary videography styles.
They capture your wedding moments and create a short film that tells the story of your wedding event, creates an emotional connection, and leaves you with something to cherish for a long time.


The company opened in 2015 and, since then, has rendered videographer services to couples allowing them to relive their special day.
Kyle Barber, the company's co-founder, has a film production and film/video production diploma from Vancouver Film School.
Kyle Barber, the company's co-founder, has a film production and film/video production diploma from Vancouver Film School.
Also, he was a sales associate/lab technician at Black's Photography, where he gained knowledge in selling cameras, camera accessories, and photo printing.

Services Offered

Wedding videography services offered include:
· Client revisions
· Full feature
· Additional hours
· Save the date
· Multiple locations
· High-definition video
· Highlight video
· Multiple cameras
· One event per day
The final video formats offered by the firm are digital download, Blu-ray, DVD, and USB flash drive.
It takes care of the videography needs of wedding events such as ceremony, pre-ceremony, reception, and rehearsal dinner.
Chivalry Production has 4 four distinct packages for wedding videography. They are the silver package, gold package, platinum package, and chivalry package.

Other Services

Other services offered by the company are:
· Events
· Textures
· Photography
· Marketing
· Commercials
· Music videos
· Stock footage
· Visual effects
· Film production

Chivalry Productions renders exceptional services and works closely with you to make your wedding film just what you want.


  • Phone:

  • Address:

    Westhills, Calgary, AB T3H 2X3

  • Location on the Map

    Chivalry Productions Sitemap

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