Wedding Band & DJ Calgary

Christina Free's Music

Christina Free's Music Features

What genres of music does the vendor play?
Classical Folk
What kind of instruments does the vendor play?
Guitar Violin Piano
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music Cocktail hour music Instrumentals Opennes to new songs Reception music Music during breaks Vocals
What ceremony music arrangements can the vendor provide?
Soloist/vocalist Instrumental solo

Christina Free's Music Features

Which cities do you serve in Alberta?

Christina Free's Music Frequently Asked Questions

What music services does Christina Free's Music offer?

Christina Free's Music offers music services like cocktail hour music, music during breaks, instrumentals, vocals, opennes to new songs, reception music, ceremony music.

What ceremony music arrangements can Christina Free's Music provide?

Christina Free's Music can provide ceremony music arrangements like instrumental solo, soloist/vocalist.

Which cities does Christina Free's Music serve in Alberta?

Christina Free's Music serves wedding music services in calgary.

About Christina Free's Music

Christina Free's Music is an award-winning music service for weddings, engagement parties, events, concerts and more in Calgary, Alberta Province. Christina has terrific talent and extensive knowledge of many music types, ranging between classical and modern music. By choosing her fantastic service will have an unforgettable wedding celebration.


Christina Free is a great professional musician and vocalist with over fifteen years of experience. She plays piano, violin and has a unique voice. Since she was a child, passion and creativity make a great mix between her incredible voice and her ability to play multiple instruments. She studied in the Academy at Mount Royal University in a unique program for talented musicians. Her fantastic knowledge is divided into violin performance, orchestral music, chamber music, and she is a stunning teacher for voice, piano and violin. Christina has a fantastic opportunity to play music with famous musicians like Itzhak Perlman; she also performed in the Calgary Youth Orchestra, Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre, etc. You can plan with her for the music list that you wish for your special occasion.

Services Offered

● Ceremony music, reception music, cocktail hour music, etc
● Soloist and vocalist
● Instrumental solo
● Instruments like (Guitar, piano, violin, etc.)
● Classical violin pieces like (The Wedding March for Wagner, Spring from the Four Seasons for Vivaldi, etc.)
● Traditional and folk Pieces, vocal or violin-like (Irish Blessing and Red is the Rose from the Irish folk, Oh Shenandoah from the American folk, etc.)
● Contemporary style with Vocal or Violin (Young and Beautiful for Lana Del Ray, My Heart Will Go On for Celine Dione, and much more.)

Christina Free's Music will be your perfect choice to have a spectacular wedding celebration. The costs are affordable to suit your wedding budget, and the complete services will assure you a great memorable day. Communicate with her today by filling the form and request the quoted price for a unique celebration.

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    Calgary, AB

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