Wedding Band & DJ Toronto

Indie Wedding DJ

Indie Wedding DJ Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
DJ Agency
What music services does the vendor offer?
Microphones Sound / PA system DJ Performance Do-not-play list

Indie Wedding DJ Frequently Asked Questions

What music services does Indie Wedding DJ offer?

Indie Wedding DJ offers music services like dj performance, sound / pa system, microphones, do-not-play list.

About Indie Wedding DJ

The company doesn’t believe in playing cheesy music at weddings. But yes, they will play the kind of music which will bring all the guests to the dance floor. They have excellent DJs loved by the public and are always in high demand for any dancing event or party there in the area.


Indie Wedding DJ is run and owned by Justin Jacques. Justin has been in the DJ industry for a decade now, and he is also a member of the Canadian Professional DJ Association (CPDJA). The company has also won multiple Bride’s/Couple’s Choice Award from WeddingWire in consecutive years (2012, 2013, and 2014).

Services Offered

• Personalized music services
• Microphone
• Sound design
• Audio system and equipment
• Photobooth
• Not-to-play list

Other Services

• Birthday parties
• Engagement parties
• Special events

Indie Wedding DJ is one of the finest when it comes to providing music at wedding events. They have a very classy taste in music and will ensure that anyone and everyone at your wedding enjoy the night to its maximum. Indie Wedding only takes up to 45 couples in a year since they want to keep their complete focus on the needs and demands of one couple at a time and deliver everything that is expected of them. For more details about the company, kindly fill the form below.

Meet the team

  • Business Partner


  • Address:


  • Location on the Map

    Indie Wedding DJ Sitemap

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