Wedding Videography Montreal

Love Lux Films

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Love Lux Films Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Liability insurance Additional hours Montage Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video Slideshow Post production services
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Drone Microphone(s)
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner Save the date
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Blu-ray Digital download DVD Flash drive USB Hard drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Documentary Cinematic

Love Lux Films Features

Which cities do you serve in Québec?

Love Lux Films Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Love Lux Films?

Love Lux Films offers wedding video prices starting at $3.000-$4.000.

Does Love Lux Films offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Love Lux Films offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Love Lux Films?

Love Lux Films offers these services with the starting package: high-definition video, client revisions, multiple cameras, montage, slideshow, multipal location, digital download, highlight video, flash drive usb, dvd, microphone(s), blu-ray, hard drive usb.

What videographic style(s) does Love Lux Films identify with?

Love Lux Films videographic style(s): cinematic, documentary, storytelling.

Does Love Lux Films provide videography services in different cities?

Yes, Love Lux Films provides videography services in different cities.

About Love Lux Films

Love Lux Films is a creative videography company that is passionate about creating personal and touching films. The Montreal-based company knows the significance of your special day, and thus they will work so discreetly and hand in hand with you to see that the day is well covered.
They are also open to any ideas that will creatively inspire them to deliver top and quality wedding films. Besides, they shoot any wedding, whatever your religion, ethnicity, language, size of the wedding, or the number of guests.


Drawing from their many years of experience in the video production industry, the company is passionate about delivering hyper-engaging wedding films covered in storytelling, documentary, and cinematic. Besides, as they learn more about their clients’ individual needs, they build up a method and idea about giving every wedding video a touch of excellence.

Services Offered

This company offers various wedding events services from ceremony, pre-ceremony, reception to rehearsal dinner. Client revisions, drones, full feature, high-definition, highlight videos, 4K, save the date, multiple locations, and multiple cameras are among the services they offer.
Amazingly, the starting price package also comes with various services, including client revision, highlight video, multiple cameras, multiple locations, slideshow/montage, and high-definition video. The most popular package also has client revisions, highlight video, multiple cameras, multiple locations, slideshow/montage, and high-definition video.
For a bonus, their Love De-Lux Package offers drone usage 5-7-minute highlight, a recording for an extra of three hours, 5-10 selected printed stills, and a 45-90-minute documentary-style feature film, with an addition of a 4K camera.
Whatever your package is, you can choose to receive the final product in Blu-ray, digital download, DVD, flash drive USB, or a hard drive USB.

Other Services

Other services that you will get from Love Lux include live audio recording, two videographers, an antique-style wooden box complete with a delightful wooden USB, and a high-resolution private link for video upload.

The company’s team of professionals will make sure to capture the loving moments that take place on your special day. Fill the form to reach out to them and enjoy their top-class services as you seek to have a precious and memorable day.


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  • Address:

    Rue Chabot Montréal, QC H2H 1Y8

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