Wedding Videography Montreal

Authentik Weddings

  • Price

Authentik Weddings Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours Client revisions High-definition video Raw footage Post production services Livestream One event per day
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner Engagement Save the date
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Digital download Hard drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Cinematic Traditional

Authentik Weddings Features

Which cities do you serve in Ontario?
Ottawa Toronto
Which cities do you serve in Québec?
Quebec (City) Montreal

Authentik Weddings Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Authentik Weddings?

Authentik Weddings offers wedding video prices starting at $1.000-$2.000.

Does Authentik Weddings offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Authentik Weddings offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Authentik Weddings?

Authentik Weddings offers these services with the starting package: highlight video, full feature video, client revisions, high-definition video.

What videographic style(s) does Authentik Weddings identify with?

Authentik Weddings videographic style(s): storytelling, cinematic, traditional.

Does Authentik Weddings provide videography services in different cities?

Yes, Authentik Weddings provides videography services in different cities.

About Authentik Weddings

When you lack words to describe your wedding day, the images and videos captured by your videographer and photographer should speak for you. Authentik Weddings is a wedding company based in Montreal, Quebec. Just as their name suggests, this company innovatively produces authentic wedding images and videos that are beyond your imagination on your special day. They aspire to capture every detail of the day in the most authentic way from the start to the end of the day. Furthermore, their flawless images are addictive, that you will not want to let your eyes off them.


The company consists of highly skilled photographers and filmmakers that are keen to understand the changing events and adapt to any changes in the industry.

Services Offered

Authentik Weddings have different packages that are ideal for different clients. Moreover, they can customize any package according to your liking. The company identifies with different photo styles such as traditional, storytelling, and cinematic.
They offer their services at various wedding events such as pre-ceremony, ceremony, reception, and rehearsal dinner. Once all the videos and photos are ready for submission, you can choose to get them in different formats such as digital download or hard drive USB.
Their starting price package has services like client revisions, high-definition video, highlight video and full-feature video, while the most popular package includes services such as additional hours, multiple cameras and locations, save the date, and raw footage.

Other Services

The company also offers online streaming, allowing your family and friends that did not make it to the wedding venue to be part of your special day.

Authentik Weddings team transcribes your romantic story from the beginning to the end of your wedding day. Their exceptional videography services create memories that you will never forget. You can easily reach the company by filling the form and get the price for your ideal package.


  • Phone:

  • Address:

    919 Rue des Capucines, Sherbrooke, QC J1E 3W5

  • Location on the Map

    Authentik Weddings Sitemap

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