Wedding Band & DJ Winnipeg

DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist

DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist
  • Price

DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist Features

What genres of music does the vendor play?
Jazz Country Oldies Rock Hip hop Pop Top 40 International Soul/R&B Electronic
What music services does the vendor offer?
MC Liability insurance Do-not-play list One event per day Consultation
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Uplighting Microphones Projector Disco ball Sound PA

DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist Features

Which cities do you serve in Manitoba?

DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist Frequently Asked Questions

What is the wedding music price of DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist?

DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist charges $750-$1.000 for wedding music.

Does DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist have any wedding packages?

Yes, DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist has wedding packages.

What music services does DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist offer?

DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist offers music services like do-not-play list, liability insurance, one event per day, mc, consultation.

Which cities does DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist serve in Manitoba?

DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist serves wedding music services in winnipeg.

How many years does the vendor serve in this sector?


Which of these services are included in the starting package price?

Reception music

About DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist

DJ James Falk - Entertainment Specialist at 4B-121 Princess Street R3B 1K8 Winnipeg, Manitoba is an iconic brand that aims for the best for its customers. He has been exceptional and truly a force of nature for surviving in the wedding music space for so many years and making a successful brand out of him. If you ever need a DJ for your wedding party, you can get in touch with him or one of his associates. He will ensure that your wedding night becomes etched into the mind of your guests forever.


DJ James Falk - entertainment Specialist, has been in the wedding industry for more than fifteen years now. His initial days of working in the industry were very hard, bringing him to a point where he thought about hanging the boots, but luckily, he didn’t go through with quitting, or else the industry would have lost a real gem.

Services Offered

The firm offers the following services,
• Backup equipment
• Consultation
• DJ
• MC
• Stage
• Uplighting
• Sound/PA system
• Dance floor

Other Services

The firm also offers the following other services,
• Lounges
• Night clubs
• Special events
• Birthday parties
• Private parties
• Corporate events

DJ James Falk - Entertainment Specialist tries his best to bring you a truly unforgettable wedding night. He has performed in so many weddings now that he understands what is required to make a wedding truly special in so many ways. If you want his services, get in touch with him by filling out the form.

Meet the team

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  • Phone:

  • Address:

    121 Princess St #4b Winnipeg, MB R3B 1K8

  • Location on the Map

    DJ James Falk - Entertainment specialist Sitemap

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