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Viking Film Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours Montage Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video Raw footage Slideshow Photography
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner Save the date
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Digital download Flash drive USB Hard drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Documentary Short form Cinematic Traditional

Viking Film Features

Which cities do you serve in Ontario?

Viking Film Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Viking Film?

Viking Film offers wedding video prices starting at $500-$750.

Does Viking Film offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Viking Film offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Viking Film?

Viking Film offers these services with the starting package: full feature video, high-definition video, slideshow, digital download, ceremony, montage, highlight video, multiple cameras, reception, raw footage, multipal location, client revisions.

What videographic style(s) does Viking Film identify with?

Viking Film videographic style(s): storytelling, short form, traditional, documentary, cinematic.

About Viking Film

Viking Film is an independent corporation made up of passionate and creative artists that provide services in Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal. They specialize in capturing and producing quality weddings and several other event videos. Their primary style is a mixture of storytelling, short-form, traditional, documentary, and cinematic. Their packages are complete and meet different couple's budgets. Most importantly, the videos are clear and beautiful, creating long-lasting memories.

Services Offered

Viking Film offers a range of services from the rehearsal dinner to the pre-ceremony, ceremony, and reception. The starting price package and most popular packages include services, such as additional hours, client revisions, high-definition video, highlight video, full-feature video, raw footage, multiple cameras and locations, save the date, and slideshow/montage.
The final video is then delivered to the clients on a digital download, hard drive USB, or flash drive USB.

Other Services

Aside from wedding videography services, the company also directs and produces music videos, short films, commercials, and fashion editorials. They also do TV shows and photography services.

Viking Film consists of a creative and passionate team that takes up any challenges that come along the way in their line of duty. They are flexible and easily adjust to any changes. Amazingly, they do not let any of the challenges comprise the quality of their work. They deliver high-standard videos that relieve your wedding memories for a lifetime. Fill the form to reach them today for an exceptional experience.


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  • Address:

    1339 Viking Dr, Ottawa, ON K1V 7J6

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