Wedding Videography Edmonton

Iakona Video and DJ Services

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Iakona Video and DJ Services Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Montage High-definition video Highlight video Raw footage Slideshow Photo booth One event per day
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Blu-ray DVD
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Short form

Iakona Video and DJ Services Features

Which cities do you serve in Alberta?

Iakona Video and DJ Services Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Iakona Video and DJ Services?

Iakona Video and DJ Services offers wedding video prices starting at $750-$1.000.

Does Iakona Video and DJ Services offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Iakona Video and DJ Services offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Iakona Video and DJ Services?

Iakona Video and DJ Services offers these services with the starting package: full feature video, high-definition video, multipal location.

What videographic style(s) does Iakona Video and DJ Services identify with?

Iakona Video and DJ Services videographic style(s): storytelling, short form.

About Iakona Video and DJ Services

Located in Edmonton, Canada, Iakona Video & DJ Services is a special videography company that provides top-notch filming and disc Jockey services for weddings and other events. They are willing to give their best to your event, whether it is a large or remote wedding. Iakona is periodically updating their services so that you get them at their peak.
They have a helpful and friendly team of videographers that will cooperate with you to ensure a hitch-free process—the film in storytelling and short-form styles.


Jason Ashmore, the owner and main videographer of Iakona Video and DJ Services, is an experienced teacher and videographer in Edmonton. He holds a bachelor of education degree from the University of Alberta. Iakona Video has offered videography and disc jockey services to several weddings for over eighteen years and always banked awesome remarks from customers.

Services Offered

Iakona Video and DJ Services offer two wedding packages that come with high levels of excellence – the celebration package and the pearl package. They are wonderful options for your wedding. They come with services like:
- Wedding filming for pre-ceremony, ceremony, and reception
- Full feature video
- Highlight video
- Multiple cameras
- Multiple locations
- High-definition video
- Additional hours
- Disc Jockey services
- Raw footage
- Photobooth
- Slideshow/montage

Iakona Video is proud to offer you the services you need at a reasonable price. They understand that you hold your special day highly, so they help you create the best video – capturing smiles, laughter, tears, and every precious moment of your wedding.


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    Edmonton, AB T6K

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    Iakona Video and DJ Services Sitemap

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