Wedding Videography Edmonton

Zokah Video and Photo

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Zokah Video and Photo Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours High-definition video Highlight video
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Blu-ray Digital download Card SD Flash drive USB Hard drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Documentary Short form Cinematic Traditional

Zokah Video and Photo Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Zokah Video and Photo?

Zokah Video and Photo offers wedding video prices starting at $1.000-$2.000.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Zokah Video and Photo?

Zokah Video and Photo offers these services with the starting package: highlight video.

What videographic style(s) does Zokah Video and Photo identify with?

Zokah Video and Photo videographic style(s): cinematic, documentary, traditional, short form, storytelling.

About Zokah Video and Photo

Zokah Video and Photo is a company of photographers and filmmakers located in Edmonton. They provide videography services for weddings and other events across Edmonton, Calgary, and beyond. Zokah Video and Photo have filmed weddings in Jamaica, The Philippines, Mexico, Peru, Japan and are still travelling. They love to bring in their skills and captivating talent to your love adventure on your wedding day.
They have won notable awards like The World's Best Wedding Professional in 2017 and are a proud member of the Professional Wedding Photographers in Canada. They are friendly videographers and promise you a splendid film.


Zac and Monikah are a couple and the owners of Zokah Video and Photo. They are professionals and creative photographers and videographers who believe in capturing great moments of weddings that you will cherish for a lifetime. Zac and Monikah have been providing wedding videography services for over seven years.

Services Offered

Zac and Monikah offer video coverage for the pre-ceremony, ceremony, and reception of your wedding with services like:
High-definition video
Highlight video
Multiple cameras
Online galleries
Multiple locations
Liability insurance
Rehearsal dinner highlight video
The final video formats are Blu-ray, digital download, DVD, flash drive USB, or hard drive USB.

For a romantic and beautiful wedding film, Zokah video and photo is the best. Zac and Monikah also offer videography and photography services for birthdays, baby and bridal showers, engagement parties, anniversary celebrations, and more. They give you all the comfort you need by ensuring that being in front of a camera is a whole fun experience for you. All you need to do is to complete the form.


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    Downtown Edmonton (Alberta) T5T4J4

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    Zokah Video and Photo Sitemap

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