Wedding Videography Edmonton

B Maine Videography

  • Price

B Maine Videography Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours Montage Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video Raw footage Slideshow
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
2nd shooter Drone GoPros Microphone(s)
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Flash drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Cinematic

B Maine Videography Features

Which cities do you serve in Alberta?

B Maine Videography Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of B Maine Videography?

B Maine Videography offers wedding video prices starting at $3.000-$4.000.

Does B Maine Videography offer any wedding packages?

Yes, B Maine Videography offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the B Maine Videography?

B Maine Videography offers these services with the starting package: gopros, drone , microphone(s), client revisions, multipal location, reception, ceremony, 2nd shooter, highlight video, raw footage, pre-ceremony, flash drive usb, multiple cameras, high-definition video.

What videographic style(s) does B Maine Videography identify with?

B Maine Videography videographic style(s): storytelling, cinematic.

About B Maine Videography

Located in Edmonton, Alberta, B.Maine Videography is in the business of helping soon-to-be newlyweds capture the best moments of their wedding reception. It merges the use of cinematic styles and storytelling to ensure your wedding turns out successful.
Currently, there have been much positive feedback from past and existing clients of B.Maine videography.


Brittaney Maschmeyer is the owner of B.Maine Videography. According to her, she discovered her passion for arts while studying at St. Lawrence University. This discovery further led her to build a reputable career in videography.
Brittney specifically loves the idea of being a part of a couple's love and happiness by helping them create memorable experiences of their big day through her art. The videography team at B.Maine guarantees you detailed coverage of your entire ceremony. They also make use of Drone and GoPro coverage to capture smooth footage of your event.

Services Offered

B.Maine Videography offers the following services:
- Full speeches
- GoPros and DJI drone
- 1-minute teaser for social media
- Full reception and full ceremony
- Client Revisions
- Wired lapel mics for high-quality recordings
- Slideshow/Montage for reception or rehearsal dinner
- USBs for all the HD videos

The team at B.Maine Videography understands the importance of wedding days and, as such, makes sure to pay close attention to every single detail at your wedding.


  • Phone:

  • Address:

    11517 72 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 0B7

  • Location on the Map

    B Maine Videography Sitemap

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