Wedding Band & DJ Vancouver

DJ Morgan Lily

  • Price

DJ Morgan Lily Features

What genres of music does the vendor play?
Jazz Oldies Hip hop Pop Top 40 Soul/R&B Electronic
What music services does the vendor offer?
MC Sound / PA system Do-not-play list One event per day Consultation
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Microphones Disco ball Sound PA

DJ Morgan Lily Features

Which cities do you serve in British Columbia?

DJ Morgan Lily Frequently Asked Questions

What is the wedding music price of DJ Morgan Lily?

DJ Morgan Lily charges $1.000-$2.000 for wedding music.

Does DJ Morgan Lily have any wedding packages?

Yes, DJ Morgan Lily has wedding packages.

What music services does DJ Morgan Lily offer?

DJ Morgan Lily offers music services like consultation, one event per day, mc, do-not-play list, sound / pa system.

Which cities does DJ Morgan Lily serve in British Columbia?

DJ Morgan Lily serves wedding music services in vancouver.

How many years does the vendor serve in this sector?


Which of these services are included in the starting package price?


About DJ Morgan Lily

DJ Morgan Lily is a singer and DJ based in Vancouver, Canada. She is a passionate and professional music artist who offers services to weddings, corporate events, and other small and big gatherings. When her classmates used to make compilation CD’s that time, she started to learn the music and made it her career. She plays music that makes people happy and entertained. She can read people’s minds and offer high services to them.


DJ Morgan Lily is also known as Mynxy Music. DJ Morgan Lily has more than 20 years of experience. She graduated from the Nimbus School of Recording Arts. She has a Diploma in Production, Sound-Engineering, and Urban-Beats Production. She performs live music sessions for weddings and knows multiple styles like Motown, Cocktail, Deep House, Pop, Classic Rock, the ’80s, ’90s 2000s, and Jazz. She has multiple corporate clients as well such as Holt Renfrew, The Bruno Mars Concert, Swarvoski, The International Design Show, The Honda Celebration of Light, The Luxury Car & Super Car Show, The Rugby Sevens at BC Place, and Terminal City Club.

Services Offered

She is known as a wedding specialist and offers classical, Disco, Rock, and pop music hits to her clients. Here is the list of services offered by her:

• Live performances
• Corporate events
• Curated playlist and music sets
• Do not play list
• Lounges
• Destination wedding and ceremonies
• Floor-lit Disco Dance-Floor Light
• Live Saxophone & Percussionists Extra LED Dance-floor Lighting
• Sub-Woofer
• Delivery, Setup, Sound-check & Tear-down

Other Services

• Wireless Microphone
• Lightening
• Consultation
• MC services
• Full sound system
• Audio/Visual System
• Flatscreen

She selects each song with caution and makes sure she offers a pleasant experience to all her clients. Kindly fill the form to know more about this DJ and their pricing details.

Meet the team

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  • Phone:

  • Address:

    1670 Commercial Dr Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y4

  • Location on the Map

    DJ Morgan Lily Sitemap

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