Wedding Band & DJ Ottawa

Hunks and Punks Band

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Hunks and Punks Band Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
How many musicians does the vendor have?
What genres of music does the vendor play?
Jazz Country Funk Dance Blues Rock Classic rock Pop Motown Reggae Punk rock R&B Top 40 Soul 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s
What kind of instruments does the vendor play?
Guitar Saxophone Drums Violin Flute Piano Organ
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music Cocktail hour music Instrumentals Opennes to new songs Reception music Music during breaks Rehearsal dinner music Sample performances Vocals Liability insurance Willing to travel
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Fog Lighting Microphones Projector Sound PA
What ceremony music arrangements can the vendor provide?
Instrumental duo Instrumental trio Orchestra Soloist/vocalist String quartet

Hunks and Punks Band Features

Which cities do you serve in Ontario?

Hunks and Punks Band Frequently Asked Questions

What is the wedding music price of Hunks and Punks Band?

Hunks and Punks Band charges $1.000-$2.000 for wedding music.

Does Hunks and Punks Band have any wedding packages?

Yes, Hunks and Punks Band has wedding packages.

What music services does Hunks and Punks Band offer?

Hunks and Punks Band offers music services like opennes to new songs, music during breaks, rehearsal dinner music, sample performances, liability insurance, vocals, willing to travel, ceremony music, instrumentals, cocktail hour music, reception music.

What ceremony music arrangements can Hunks and Punks Band provide?

Hunks and Punks Band can provide ceremony music arrangements like orchestra, instrumental trio, soloist/vocalist, string quartet, instrumental duo.

Which cities does Hunks and Punks Band serve in Ontario?

Hunks and Punks Band serves wedding music services in ottawa.

How many songs are there in the vendor's repertoire?


Can the customer request songs?


About Hunks and Punks Band

Hunks and Punks band, located in Ottawa, offers events and cocktail music plus bubbly dance entertainment. The entertainment band use modern instruments to create amazing sounds that will lift your wedding atmosphere. Their level of professionalism and commitment is what makes them a top band.


This award-winning brand is also matchless in choosing songs to play at your wedding reception as you chose the songs you want to be played for your day. They consist of four to six musicians providing different selections you might want on your big day. They also play their instruments phenomenally as their band of different instrumentalist allow the music to be great.

Services Offered

Hunks and Punks is a band of people that does Orchestra. They also specialize in Jazz, Funk, Blues, R&B, Top 40, Classic rock, Pop, and many others. They play the Saxophone, piano, drums and guitar. They provide the following services: Rehearsal dinner, Vocals, Learning new songs, Reception music and some more.
Their wedding packages include "Party" Wedding Package, "All-In" Wedding Package, "Cocktail/Ceremony" Package and "Gala" Wedding Package. All these packages are designed to make your wedding a one always to remember. So carefully go through these packages and decide which one you want.

Hunks and Punks band will bring love and mood to your wedding. You get to pay charges depending on the wedding package you opt for. Contact them for your special day for more and make your wedding a musical event that will be remembered for years.

Meet the team

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    Ottawa, ON

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    Hunks and Punks Band Sitemap

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