Wedding Videography North Bay

More Than Common Productions

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More Than Common Productions Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Computer graphics Multiple cameras Multiple locations Liability insurance Additional hours Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video Photography Post production services Livestream Toning One event per day
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
2nd shooter Glidecam Microphone(s)
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Engagement Bridal boudoir shoot Bridal party
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Digital download Card SD Flash drive USB Hard drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Documentary Short form Cinematic

More Than Common Productions Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of More Than Common Productions?

More Than Common Productions offers wedding video prices starting at $3.000-$4.000.

Does More Than Common Productions offer any wedding packages?

Yes, More Than Common Productions offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the More Than Common Productions?

More Than Common Productions offers these services with the starting package: gopros, gopros, high-definition video, liability insurance, hard drive usb, multiple cameras, multipal location, highlight video, post production services, rehearsal dinner, digital download, flash drive usb, 2nd shooter, ceremony, toning, client revisions, custom graphics, glidecam, microphone(s).

What videographic style(s) does More Than Common Productions identify with?

More Than Common Productions videographic style(s): short form, cinematic, documentary, storytelling.

Does More Than Common Productions provide videography services in different cities?

Yes, More Than Common Productions provides videography services in different cities.

How many years do you serve in this sector?


About More Than Common Productions

More Than Common Productions was introduced to the premier wedding film service industry through Jordan Presseault. Jordan's former brand CWE and years of experience in event filming perfecting his run and gun style, matched his preference for run and gun style, he would soon learn wedding filming is a whole new level to deliver the caliber of edit he was consistently. Shannon loved the challenge of it. In not long, as only a two person crew, they could cover 500 seat strong weddings while still ensuring what they believe the most important goal: Rather than simply document your day, More Than Common Productions strives to provide you with a cinematic and fluid narrative that captures your special moments and entertains your memories.
They have never sought accolades or awards as fame hasn’t been their pursuit however they have been acknowledged and that can be seen through their experiences.


Graduating atop of his graduating class TV Broadcasting & Video Production, he started more than common productions as he earned his stripes soon to be not only mentor but a friend and and business partner As Shannon grew his own business fast developing a large body of work that attracted bigger clients realizing his goal to be able start hiring his mentor that led them partnering. Going forward Shannon would doing national ad campaign for a Canadian National bank that they awarded in house as their most viewed nationally campaign video. While Jordan, on a project Shannon secured, representing the North Ontario in a project hat other shooters across Canada their footage was the most featured footage that appeared in yet another fortune 500 iconic CA brand, making them part of what later was reported to have been the most successful marketing campaigns in history by a leading independent market research analysis company. Shannon has been chosen as a 3 best rated videographer in North Bay for six consecutive years and presented with certificates by the independent ratings company.
Also a filmmaker, Shannon submitted a short film to an international film cast festival, where he beat out a large field of several other films in two brackets making it a semi finalists Laurel winner into 2021.
He also successfully helped a book author raise funding to publish her interactive children’s book in the difficult task were only a small percentage of people do meet their target, on Kickstarter. The author of the children’s book testimonial can be seen on his website on the about page. His profile on an international photography site known for exceptional work, filled with great photography and seasoned photographers very great in talent from around the world, he consistently has his photos voted in the place in top 10% most voted by and against other professional photographers His images have placed ahead of sometimes three four up to even 600,000 other photos in order to achieve this. His first year he rated in the top 10% highest rated new photographer.
Top shot to 20 award, The Jewel award, The legendary award and many others he continues to receive from other seasons professionals in this international community.
Shannon vast experience, most times travelling Ontario to provide a services that have spanned across many different industry sectors, make him a choice in experience alone, however, his storytelling is at the heart of every creative that experience alone cannot make unique. As he says: “People don’t know this but weddings are one of the hardest things to shoot… If only if you’re working everyone with the same passion is it possible provide a different story and provide consistently professional quality every time.”.

Services Offered

Canon 5D professional grade Cameras are his cameras info choice
As a full-service video production service pre-to-post production production, he is able to handle all aspects of Video and photography production from lighting to sound capture to editing, delivering photo products for a commercial, weddings or live events in any format.

Other Services

Concept development
Documentary style filmmaking
Live events
Documentation pieces
Human interest stories
Promotional, Corporate
Footage provider

It is important for all couples who are considering to have a memory of your day in what they feel is the best way to forever bring you back to it as well as future family, that you as the potential client make your decision on filmmaker or video production provider carefully.
They do the same with their clients.
It is important that you feel comfortable and confident with your choice, as it is for them to feel your confidence all allows them do their job while you live life.
No matter who you choose they recommend you look at their body of work make sure they have several examples that show you consistency quality and uniqueness storytelling.
Again, these are memories to last a lifetime that in future you can show the subsequent generations. It’s important you’re comfortable with the storytelling, quality creativity. These are not the kind of arts that you should ever feel pressure and wary of if it sounds like a sales pitch.


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    5-431 2nd ave w North bay ON

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