Wedding Videography London

One Love Productions

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Meet the team

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One Love Productions Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Save the date
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Digital download DVD Flash drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Documentary Short form Cinematic Traditional

One Love Productions Features

Which cities do you serve in Ontario?

One Love Productions Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of One Love Productions?

One Love Productions offers wedding video prices starting at $500-$750.

Does One Love Productions offer any wedding packages?

Yes, One Love Productions offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the One Love Productions?

One Love Productions offers these services with the starting package: multiple cameras, multipal location, full feature video, high-definition video.

What videographic style(s) does One Love Productions identify with?

One Love Productions videographic style(s): documentary, cinematic, short form, traditional, storytelling.

About One Love Productions

One Love Productions is based in London, specializing in professional wedding cinematography services for couples in Ontario and adjoining areas. They film every moment of joy and excitement of your partner getting ready before the ceremony to hearing your vows. The team will capture every effort you have put into making your wedding special by showcasing what makes it so exclusively yours. They used cinematic techniques in highlighting your memories to be shared and enjoyed for years to come.


Alisa is the owner of One Love Productions with a background in advanced filmmaking. She has been filming weddings continuously for the past three years, and she is passionate about capturing romantic love stories and exposing every aspect of your event. Alisa has a team of 5 videographers trained and seasoned to capture events big and small with sophisticated equipment.

Services Offered

They use advanced technology to capture and edit your big day, and some of the services offered include:
Customizable price packages
Multiple cameras
Multiple locations
Professional audio
Full feature video
High-definition video
Highlight video

Other Services

They offer a wide variety of other production needs, such as:
Live concert recording
Music videos
Corporate video
Engagement video
Save the date video
Gender reveal video

One Love Productions has been in the market for over ten years with the motto of serving clients with professionalism and enthusiasm without compromising their quality. They offer competitive market rates for the packages, making it easy for you to make an online payment. They look forward to working with you.


  • Address:

    Blackacres Boulevard, London, ON N6G 2T9

  • Location on the Map

    One Love Productions Sitemap

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