Wedding Videography London

Gee's Videography and Co

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Meet the team

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Gee's Videography and Co Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Additional hours Montage Client revisions High-definition video Highlight video Raw footage Slideshow Photography
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Which wedding events does the vendor serve?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Digital download DVD Flash drive USB Hard drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Short form Cinematic Traditional

Gee's Videography and Co Features

Which cities do you serve in Ontario?

Gee's Videography and Co Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Gee's Videography and Co?

Gee's Videography and Co offers wedding video prices starting at $500-$750.

Does Gee's Videography and Co offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Gee's Videography and Co offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Gee's Videography and Co?

Gee's Videography and Co offers these services with the starting package: high-definition video, multipal location, raw footage, multiple cameras.

What videographic style(s) does Gee's Videography and Co identify with?

Gee's Videography and Co videographic style(s): traditional, storytelling, short form, cinematic.

About Gee's Videography and Co

Chad Gee is the owner of Gee's Videography & Co, and he started this venture in 2016 after successfully filming a friend's wedding and admiring the concept of cinematography. He started with the concept of making your package in 2019 when they started receiving an estimate for their wedding. Therefore, he never found it appropriate to film each and every moment, conceptualizing your build-in package.


He has experience of more than four years in film making, having graduated from television broadcasting in 2016, covering everything from documentaries to the 2016 Olympic Games. Presently, he works with a team of 5 cameramen covering weddings, engagements and other special events in London and adjoining areas. They work with ultra-modern technologies, making them different from the others in the marketplace. They have bagged several rewards in videography and have contributed significantly to wedding cinematography.

Services Offered

They offer you services you can't let go of; some of them include:
Extra hours
Multiple cameras
Multiple locations
Full feature video
High-definition video
Client revision
Raw footage

Other Services

Some of the additional services include:
Wedding and engagement photography
Photo print at additional cost
Photo album
Drone coverage

Gee's Videography & Co allows you to personalize your wedding package, and they are experienced in doing live stream weddings at a competitive rate. They are looking forward to your response for weddings and other special events to make it a huge success.


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  • Address:

    Woodstock, ON N4S 8B4

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    Gee's Videography and Co Sitemap

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