Wedding Band & DJ Kitchener

Marley Hill Band

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Marley Hill Band Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
How many musicians does the vendor have?
What genres of music does the vendor play?
Country Acoustic Funk Dance Blues Oldies Swing Rock Classic rock Hip hop Pop Motown R&B Top 40 Soul 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music Cocktail hour music Instrumentals Opennes to new songs MC Reception music Music during breaks Rehearsal dinner music Sample performances Vocals Willing to travel Microphones Sound / PA system
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Lighting Microphones Sound PA

Marley Hill Band Frequently Asked Questions

What is the wedding music price of Marley Hill Band?

Marley Hill Band charges $1.000-$2.000 for wedding music.

Does Marley Hill Band have any wedding packages?

Yes, Marley Hill Band has wedding packages.

What music services does Marley Hill Band offer?

Marley Hill Band offers music services like mc, cocktail hour music, opennes to new songs, reception music, rehearsal dinner music, sample performances, ceremony music, willing to travel, sound / pa system, vocals, music during breaks, microphones, instrumentals.

About Marley Hill Band

This spectacular music band is in Kitchener, Ontario. It specializes in combining different music genres from different music eras to create a perfect and harmonious music mix that you and your audience will enjoy during your wonderful wedding event.
Irrespective of the type and style of your wedding, this amazing music band, having about six musicians, thrills your audience by using different music arrangements. These include acapella, instrumental, and duo to instrumental trio, soloist/vocalist, and instrumental solos. Thereby giving you the perfect wedding that you have always dreamed of.


Marley Hill Band has professional and experienced singers that can conform on demand to your choice of music and expectations since it has been in the music industry for many years.
Marlene, one of the talented musicians in the band, is a professional and experienced music lover that wastes no time in displaying her beautiful talents and has performed on several high honoured occasions.

Services Offered

The music company uses special instruments such as organ, guitar, drums, piano, and other smaller instruments to give you an amazing service using diverse music genres such as Country, Acoustic, Funk, Dance, Oldies, Blues, Swing, Rock, Classic rock, Hip-hop, Pop, Motown, R&B, Top 40, Soul, and others.
They provide the following music services during your event:
Ceremony music
Cocktail hour music
Reception music
Music during breaks
Rehearsal dinner music
Willing to travel
MC services
DJ music
It has standard wedding packages that preclude the above services, such as travel expenses, microphones, consultation lighting, and sound systems.

Other Services

Marley Hill Band offers Other services include:
Sound and public address systems

Having multiple talented musicians at its disposal, the firm offers different performing combinations such as 2-piece ensembles, 5-piece ensemble, and others so that your event exudes diversity as well as impeccability. All you have to do is to complete the contact form.

Meet the team

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  • Phone:

  • Address:

    36 Primrose Path N2E 2R2 Kitchener (Ontario

  • Location on the Map

    Marley Hill Band Sitemap

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