Newfoundland and Labrador

With its stunning national parks, historic sites, ecological reserves, and beautiful valleys; Newfoundland and Labrador weddings are so vibrant! Newfoundland and Labrador wedding venues include elegant banquet halls, rustic country barn, mountainside resorts and many more. Our WeddingHero team have sourced the best venues for your wedding to bring you the top picks in the state. There's so many to choose from!

Newfoundland and Labrador Wedding Venues

View thousands of wedding venues from mountain to waterfront and request pricing!

Delta St. John's Hotel Conference Centre

50 - 625

Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland

50 - 625
Min. Price 1,500 CAD

The Guv'nor Inn and Pub

50 - 75

Glendenning Golf

50 - 225

Newfoundland and Labrador Wedding Flowers

View thousands of wedding florists, check prices, packages and request pricing!

Holland Nurseries
